RNP - GNSS - RNAV approach training

Flying a RNP - GNSS approach requires associated skills and knowledge. The FAA regulations are not too demanding, however this kind of approach should not be conducted without the specific knowledge and training (if the behavior of the avionics is unclear in flight, the User Guide will be of no help!).
A RNP - GNSS approach does not fundamentally differ from an ground-based navaid approach: VOR, LOC or ILS. However there are a number of points to be taken into account to comply with the regulation and guarantee safety. Some examples:
- Rules regarding the destination and alternate airports;
- Sensitivity of the CDI according to the present GPS mode: en-route, terminal, approach, direct-to;
- Update of the database;
- Alternate action plan;
- Availability of the signals (RAIM);
- Availability of procedures;
- Availability of the required fixes in the GPS flight plan.
- Type of final approach, CDFA vs non-CDFA;
- Pilot action required in case of missed approach (without specific action, some GPS will not sequence the missed approach fixes);
- The pitfalls of overlay approaches;
- Etc.
All these points, and others, can be discussed in a 3-hour briefing (with PPS-like slides) and 2 hours in the simulator (see precision of the simulator).
The simulator training can be supplemented or replaced by a flight on your own aircraft with the avionics to which you are familiar with.
If you are not familiar with the RNP-GNSS approach or if the acronyms like LNAV, VNAV, LPV, BARO, FPA, CDFA, RAIM are unclear, then this training is essential for your safety.